21 Nov 2013


Ciao a tutti! I think it's fair to say that it's somewhat becoming the norm for me to introduce my haul posts by trying to excuse and justify my spending habits. Each time I swear that 'this will be the last time' and every time it never is. I'm a shopaholic and I'm not afraid to say it. Haa! So yesterday afternoon a friend and I went for lunch at the Lebanese restaurant, Mandaloun. Filling our bellies was merely not enough so we smoked a watermelon shisha whilst sipping on a latte. Once done we hit the shops and almost shopped until we dropped. Okay that is a slight exaggeration but we did do a little bit of damage. Shown below is what I treated myself to. Hope you enjoy this post Xx

£10 from Primark

£12 from Primark

£12 from Primark

£5 from Primark

£14 from Primark

£8 from Primark

£12 from Primark

£30 from Topshop

£18 from Topshop

£25(each)/£2.50(each) from Topshop

£12.50/£3.00 from Topshop

£17.99 from Zara

£65 from Office - Vagabond

£16.50 from MAC

£18 from MAC

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